Dianna Coulombe – dianna@sonic.net
Santa Rosa, CA (PT)
707-575-9237 / 1-888-240-2636
Santa Rosa, CA (PT)
707-575-9237 / 1-888-240-2636
In a 2004 study spearheaded by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in collaboration with others, discovered over 200 industrial chemicals in the umbilical cord blood of 10 babies born in U.S. hospitals.
133 linked to cancer.
151 linked to birth defects.
153 can alter hormone system.
185 associated with infertility and reproductive problems.
130 affect the immune system.
157 are toxic to the nervous system.
One choice to begin to decrease these accumulated invisible killers from your body is chelation therapy, which I understand is expensive and takes out important minerals. A patient sits in a doctor’s treatment room for a few hours with a slow intravenous drip. Ther patient must return several times.
The least expensive and convenient way to get the poisons out of the body is with Natural Cellular Defense (NCD). a liquefied zeolite, which has one side effect - dehydration. A person must drink enough good water to move the toxins out. If your mouth feels dry and you get constipated, you're not drinking enough water.
Some people consider NCD a supplement, however, since it is not supplying nutrition, I prefer to say it’s a poison eliminator.
What’s a Zeolite?
Zeolites were formed millions of years ago when volcanoes erupted. The chemical reaction of volcanic ash and salt water resulted in mineral combinations of beauty, complexity and unique crystal habits.
There are about 45 natural minerals that are recognized members of the Zeolite Group, with over 120 structural variations, classified in at least 7 distinct “families”. within each family are several subgroups.
In the Heulandite Family is a subgroup named Clinoptilolite, which is a combination of 4 hydrated minerals; sodium, potassium, calcium and aluminum silicate.
Zeolites are made up of a framework, which consist of interlocking tetrahedrons of negatively charged honeycomb like cages - which attract and trap positive elements such as man-made chemicals - fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, and termiticides collectively called pesticides, and heavy metals, such as aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel and others that have no safe level in the environment – air, food, water, animals, birds, fish or people!
These “poisons” become free radicals that damage cells and molecules –
the “stuff” Nature is made of!
Most heavy metals cause damage to the lining of arteries and nerve “bundles”, particularly those near the prostate.
An inventor of undeterred vision devoted many years of research to come up with the system to clean Clinoptilolite zeolite of accumulated toxic substances and have it suspended in liquid, so it could be easily swallowed.
In 2001 he received U.S. Patent #6,288,045. He believed the medical profession would welcome his “invention”.
(On left side click on Introduction or go to the website below.)
(On left side see Blog Archive. Click on July. Then on Liquid Zeolite: FAQ.
Then scroll down to Technical Question #38)
Perhaps you are not familiar with the negative bias of the medical and scientific community toward anything that would change their established conservative lifestyle. They continue to put up a “fight” against “old fashioned” / “modern” / “new age” methods of healthy living as evidenced by the negative remarks in
The Press Democrat, Sunday, January 25, 2009 article “Don’t be in a rush to flush out toxins”.
Rik Deitsch, Chief Executive Officer of Nutra Pharma, is on the Scientific Advisory Board of the company that distributes NCD.
Rik understood the value of the liquefied “clean” zeolite, so was instrumental in negotiating a lease for the exclusive right to produce and market what was then named Natural Cellular Defense (NCD).
Invisible Killers, The Truth About Environmental Genocide Copyright 2007
by Rik J. Deitsch, B.S. Chemistry and M.S. Biochemistry, researcher and adjunct professor, Chief Executive Officer of Nutra Pharma Corporation and Stewart Lonky, M.D., board certified in internal medicine, pulmonary and critical care medicine and full –time faculty member at the University of California, San Diego.
Invisible Killers, Abridged, The Basics About Environmental Toxins and How To Treat Toxicity, www.healthyagingtools.soundconcepts.com $5.95
Since August 2005, NCD has been used to reduce a wide variety of uncomfortable and frustrating health challenges.
When several drops of NCD is swallowed, preferably with a large glass of good
pure water to stay hydrated, the liquefied zeolite enters the blood stream, picks
up the positive charged “invaders” and excretes them through normal channels.
Medical professionals and other care givers who have opted out of “conventional”
status quo rhetoric were willing to give NCD a “try” with some of their most “difficult” cases.
The results amazed and shocked them. Now, by word of mouth and personal written stories, others are willing to “try” to experience the benefits.
Go to www.testimoyinfo.com to read heart warming stories of thrilled “users”.
Information on a bottle of NCD
100% natural non-toxic, safe for long-term use.
Helps remove heavy metals and toxins from the body.
(i.e. brain, bones, central nervous system, fat cells, glands, hair and mercury gas from silver fillings in the teeth.)
Supports a healthy immune system.
Helps balance pH levels in the body.
NCD comes in a small 15 ML bottle with 300 + drops of water and zeolite.
Shake well. Take 3 drops, 3 times a day. Place drops in your favorite
drink or food. (Another option is to put it in 8 oz of pure water about
6 waking hours between doses. (NCD “travels” through the body in
about that amount of time.)
Pets. Put the drops in their pure water, on food, or they may like to lick it
off your hand. (Ask Dianna to e-mail Miko’s story to you.)
(See link below for more pet stories.)
www.testimoyinfo.com (Go to letter P. Scroll down to Pets for remarkable stories.)
Sensitive people may experience a detox reaction they don’t like.
If that happens to you, stop taking it for a day or two. Begin again with one drop
3 times per day for 7 days. Then increase it to 2 drops, 3 times a day for 7 days.
Keep adjusting the dosage, so you’re not noticing any detox symptoms.
Some people with severe health challenges and under the care of a holistic
professional go up to 15 drops, 3 times a day.
Note: We don’t feel the “poisons” going in, so we don’t want to feel them going out!
However, as we get them out, we may begin to have more energy and feel better.
(See list of 15 reasons to take NCD below.)
If you don’t feel a difference in a month …
Most companies tell people it takes up to 3 months to significantly experience a major difference when a person does a cleansing program, changes their diet and/or adds a missing supplement. Different organs cleanse and repair at different rates.
15 Reasons to take Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) (activated liquid zeolite)
1. Patented, non-toxic, absolutely safe for people and pets.
2. Quick, generally tasteless.
3. Use internally or externally (bites, bumps or burns).
4. Experience anti-aging benefits.
5. Boosts immune system function.
6. Removes heavy metals from the body.
7. Removes pesticides, herbicides & dioxins.
8. Exhibits powerful antioxidant properties.
9. Helps restore body pH to a healthy alkalinity.
10. Reduces viral load.
11. Improves nutrient absorption.
12. Reduces symptoms of allergies.
13. Helps with blood sugar regulation.
14. In the lab, shown to reduce cancer cells.
15. Compared to chelation therapy, it costs way less, with less risk and less time.
If you are interested in other information, I have the following 4 informative brochures available. (No products are mentioned.)
1. Why Do I … age? get sick? get diseases?
2. What do Vitamins and Minerals Do For Me?
3. What They Don’t Want You To Know About the Healthcare System
4. What They Don’t Want You To Know About Home-Based Businesses
3 Optional choices for your consideration …
1. Do you want to “try” NCD for a month for $50.00, a discounted retail price.
2. Do you want to become a wholesale member (like Costco), for approximately $34.30? (This includes tax and shipping of useful and important product and company information.)
3. Are you’re interested in a home based business?
Go to www.explorefreedom.com/healthysolutions
Learn about Dianna and Bob and watch 2 short animated “movies”.
Environmental Working Group www.ewg.org//kidsafe
Environmental Working Group www.ewg.org/reports/pets
WHO YOU ARE, how you feel and how you think MAKES A DIFFERENCE!
My Mission is to Make People’s Life Better.
Kind regards,
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