Thursday, July 10, 2008

Liquid Zeolite: FAQ


Click on: Introduction - Click on: FAQ

The statements below have not been evaluated by the FDA. If you are unwell or on medication, we recommend you seek the advice of a qualified healthcare practitioner before starting a zeolite program. Zeolite is not a medicine. It is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease.

Table Of Contents
Numbers 1 – 14: General Questions
Numbers 15 – 37: Health & Medical Questions
Numbers 38 – 51: Technical Questions

General Questions

1. What is liquid zeolite?

2. Liquid zeolite seems too good to be true. How can it benefit the body in so many ways?

3. If I take liquid zeolite to restore or maintain health, do I need to do anything else?

4. Is there research to back up the claims?

5. Are there any drawbacks or side effects?

6. Who should take liquid zeolite?

7. Can children take liquid zeolite?

8. Can liquid zeolite safely be taken by pregnant or nursing women?

9. How long does liquid zeolite remain in the body?

19. How many drops should I take to detoxify my body?

11. I have cancer. How many drops should I take?

12. Can I take too much liquid zeolite?

13. Should liquid zeolite be taken with food or on an empty stomach?
14. Can I take it in coffee or tea?

Health and Medical Questions:

15. Why is detoxification of my body important?

16. What kinds of toxins are in our bodies?

17. How does liquid zeolite differ from classic chelators that pull heavy metals
and toxins out of the body?

18. How can liquid zeolite remove toxic metals such as lead and mercury,
but not healthy ones such as calcium and magnesium?

19. Does it remove toxins that are not positively charged?

20. I've read that there's a chemical in Teflon that may cause cancer.
Does liquid zeolite remove it?

21. Since liquid zeolite removes foreign metal ions from the body, can it attack dental fillings, hip replacements, or breast implants?

22. Is liquid zeolite a supplement or a drug?

23. If liquid zeolite is not a drug, why is the patent labeled Epithelial Cell Cancer Drug?

24. Can liquid zeolite cure cancer?

25. Does liquid zeolite kill viruses?

26. What does it mean that liquid zeolite balances the body's pH level?

27. Why is it important to maintain proper pH balance?

28. Is it true that liquid zeolite balances blood sugar levels?

29. Zeolite contains aluminum ions. Could this potentially be harmful?

30. Does liquid zeolite affect liver function?

31. According to testimonials, some people feel happier when they take liquid zeolite.
How is that possible?

32. How does liquid zeolite benefit the immune system?

33. Is liquid zeolite safe for transplant recipients?

34. Is liquid zeolite safe for people who have autoimmune disorders?

35. Can liquid zeolite be taken safely by people undergoing dialysis?

36. How efficient is liquid zeolite absorption in the intestines?

37. Does liquid zeolite remove depleted uranium from the body?

Technical Questions

38. Who first formulated liquid zeolite?

39. There are many different zeolites. Which one is used in liquid zeolite?

40. How is liquid zeolite different from powdered zeolite?

41. How is it possible to purify zeolite? Wouldn't the toxins that are freed from it be attracted right back into the zeolite after the chemical bonds are broken?

42. Where does the zeolite used in liquid zeolite come from?

43. How much zeolite is there in a bottle of liquid zeolite?

44. How is the zeolite mined? What environmental impact does the mining have?

45. Are workers exposed to any health or safety risks in mining the zeolite and
manufacturing liquid zeolite?

46. Does liquid zeolite need refrigeration after the bottle is opened?

47. Will heat affect liquid zeolite – for example, if I leave the bottle in the sun inside my car?

48. Can liquid zeolite go through x-ray machines at airports?

49. What is the shelf life of a bottle of liquid zeolite?

50. Why does liquid zeolite sometimes look, taste or smell differently from bottle to bottle?

51. Why is liquid zeolite sold via multi-level marketing?

General Questions

01. What is liquid zeolite?

Liquid zeolite is a 100% natural liquid detoxifier formulated from purified, activated zeolite.
One of the few negatively charged minerals in nature, zeolite is formed from the fusion of volcanic lava and ocean water. It has a unique crystalline structure that functions at the cellular level like a cage. Zeolite draws in toxins like a magnet, trapping them in its cage-like molecular structure, before eliminating them from the body. Liquid zeolite's unique ability to remove dangerous toxins is well documented.

The results of research on zeolite are very impressive, and show that liquid zeolite:

Has a chelation-like effect in removing heavy metals
(particularly lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic), nitrosamines, and other toxins).
Helps to establish an optimal pH level (between 7.35 and 7.45).
Improves liver function.
Has a unique mechanism of action against cancer cells.
Appears to block viral replication.
According to testimonials, promotes a sense of well-being, clarity, and happiness.
Increases energy, immune function, and general health, according to anecdotal reports.
Appears to capture triggering antigens, which cause allergies, migraines, and asthma,
decreasing the rate and severity of these symptoms.
Eliminates excess glucose, and buffers blood glucose levels.
Improves nutrient absorption in the digestive tract.
Balances digestive pH, reducing acid reflux.
Acts as a potent antioxidant, absorbing free radicals and decreasing free radical damage.

Zeolite has been used for 800 years throughout Asia
as a traditional remedy to promote overall health and well-being.

For 30 years in the U.S. in animal feed.

It has undergone 13 years of pharmaceutical research in the U.S. with humans.

Zeolite is included on the Food and Drug Administration's GRAS list
(generally recognized as safe). It is considered to be completely safe.

2. Liquid zeolite seems too good to be true.
How can it benefit the body in so many ways?

Many people, including doctors, have this reaction when they first hear about liquid zeolite.
It is hard to believe that any product can have the many profound benefits that appear in the list above. But liquid zeolite really is in a class of its own.

According to Rik Deitsch, the head of the Scientific Advisory Board for Waiora, the company that manufactures liquid zeolite, many benefits are “downstream” benefits of its primary abilities to detoxify the body and balance systemic pH.

3. If I take liquid zeolite to restore or maintain health,
do I need to do anything else?

Liquid zeolite is NOT a magic bullet that can be used to the exclusion of all other healing methods and health supplements.

We still need to eat healthy food, take vitamins and minerals that we cannot get in the diet in sufficient quantities, cut right down on unhealthy foods such as red meat, sugar, white flours, dairy products and hydrogenated fats, drink plenty of pure water, avoid all unnecessary medication, choose organic food wherever possible, stop smoking and other unhealthy habits, and have a positive attitude.

It is often tempting to continue unhealthy lifestyles (habits), and add one or two "miracle" health supplements. This attitude is completely irresponsible. It will not work in the long term.

Yes, a remarkable health supplement may help a great deal, but unless we combine it with a healthy life regime, the life-long benefits we are hoping for will elude us.

4. Is there research to back up the claims?

No claim could be responsibly made for liquid zeolite, unless it was substantiated by research. Although liquid zeolite is a new product, zeolites are very well researched, and there are many tried and tested medical and industrial uses for this mineral. Many studies on the health benefits of liquid zeolite are underway. (The first published studies, for the NCD brand of liquid zeolite, is planned for May 2008. Other studies are planned for the future.)

5. Are there any drawbacks or side effects?

The only side effect of liquid zeolite is dehydration, as heavy metal ions are removed from the body. For that reason, it is essential to be well hydrated when taking liquid zeolite. Drink at least 1⁄2 ounce of pure water for every pound you weigh (typically eight or 10 glasses of water a day). Coffee, tea and soda do not count.

Some users experience detoxification symptoms, such as headache, diarrhea, tiredness, or achiness – which are usually mild – when they begin taking liquid zeolite. After initial detox- ification, most people report feeling better than ever. Biochemist Rik Deitsch believes that in nine out of 10 cases, these are side effects of dehydration disappear when the person drinks enough water.

6. Who should take liquid zeolite?

According to Dr. Gabriel Cousens, of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Arizona, everyone should take liquid zeolite, because of the toxins we are exposed to. He says, "I recommend that as long as we choose to keep eating, breathing, and drinking water, keep taking liquid zeolite."

Dr. Cousens uses the following case to make his point for the ongoing use of liquid zeolite:
"We recently tested a woman, who was a long-term vegan, eating a live-food diet. We found that she had in her liver, breast, and brain tissue nine of the toxins we test for, such as DDT, dioxin, and dildren. She stopped taking liquid zeolite for a month and ate dairy products (which are at least 5.5 times higher in toxins than vegetables are) for one week. She was then re-tested and found to have all 14 of the toxins we test for in the liver, breast, and brain. Needless to say, she's back on liquid zeolite and off dairy."

7. Can children take liquid zeolite?

Our children live in the same toxic world that we do, but because their bodies are developing, they are more susceptible to toxic influences than adults are. Liquid zeolite is not only safe for children, but could be beneficial for them during their developmental years. Give them a smaller dose in proportion to their weight than the dose an average adult would take.
(See directions for using liquid zeolite.)

8. Can liquid zeolite safely be taken by pregnant or nursing women?

Although anecdotal evidence and centuries of use in Asia suggest that zeolite is safe to use even during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it’s safe use in pregnant and nursing women has not been proven in double-blind studies. However, the FDA considers zeolite to be safe for anyone. Liquid zeolite is non-toxic. There is no build up in the body.

9. How long does liquid zeolite remain in the body?

Research shows that liquid zeolite stays in the body about five to seven hours before it is 100% eliminated. This is why directions state that it should be taken three or four times a day, in order to maintain adequate levels in the body.

10. How many drops should I take to detoxify my body?

Dr. Gabriel Cousens recommends that his clients take a detoxification dose of 10 to 15 drops three times a day - for six to eight weeks. This is the initial dosage that most of his adult clients take. He recommends that they repeat this dose at least twice a year.

After six to eight weeks, switch to a maintenance dose of three to five drops three times per day. If a person is exposed to a viral, chemical, or other toxin, it would be wise to increase the amount. (See 12.)

11. I have cancer. How many drops should I take?

For people with any serious health challenges, Dr. Cousens recommends two to three drops per hour. Some oncologists are having excellent results by having their patients take this dosage.
If this schedule cannot be maintained, the dosage of 15 drops three to four times a day is recommended.

12. Can I take too much liquid zeolite?

Liquid zeolite is very safe and non-toxic, but you are wasting it if you take more than 15 drops at a time. In addition, by taking doses larger than 15 drops, it's possible to trigger a healing crisis with detoxification symptoms. If you want to increase your dosage, take 15 drops more often (four times rather than three times a day) or (two to three drops per hour).

13. Should liquid zeolite be taken with food or on an empty stomach?

It appears to work just as efficiently either way. However, it is best taken in an eight-ounce glass of water to help insure adequate hydration throughout the day.

14. Can I take it in coffee or tea?

Yes. The zeolite in liquid zeolite is unaffected by temperatures under approximately 900°F (480°C).

Health & Medical Questions

15. Why is detoxification of my body important?

The average person is exposed to more toxins through water and air pollution, household cleaning supplies, pesticides, disinfectants, and food additives than ever before in human history.

According to the EPA, 70,000 chemicals are used commercially in the U.S. 65,000 of these are potentially hazardous to our health.

The Environmental Defense Council reports that more than four billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released into the environment each year, including 72 million pounds of known carcinogens.

These toxins are strongly correlated with the occurrence of a wide range of diseases, including cancers, birth defects, and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's, autism, and dementia.
In the world we live in today, detoxification is essential to prevent disease and create optimal health.

16. What kinds of toxins are in our bodies?

PCBs, dioxins, phthalates, DDT, and furans are just some of the chemicals that are commonly found in human tissue and blood.

A 2003 study by Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, Commonweal, and the Environmental Working Group identified a total of 167 hazardous compounds in the blood and urine of American adults (with an average of 91 per person tested), including 76 known to cause cancer, 94 that are toxic to the nervous system, 82 that damage the lungs, 86 that affect hormone function, and 79 that cause birth defects.

Included among these compounds were highly toxic heavy metals such as lead, aluminum, and mercury, and numerous herbicides and pesticides.

A similar study the following year by the Environmental Working Group found 287 industrial chemicals in babies' umbilical-cord blood – with an average of 200 chemicals in each newborn tested – including 180 known to cause cancer and 217 that are toxic to the brain and nervous system.

These tests are part of a new field of scientific study known as body burden analysis, and the findings are truly frightening.

17. How does liquid zeolite differ from classic chelators that pull heavy metals
toxins out of the body?

There are major differences in how liquid zeolite works, in its effect on the body, and in its cost.

Classic chelating agents are non-specific in terms of what they attract. For example, one commonly used chelator attracts anything that has a +2 charge. Thus, it takes lead out of the body, but also eliminates calcium and magnesium, necessitating supplementation.

Liquid zeolite's negatively charged zeolite cage attracts minerals and toxins that have a positive charge, but its attraction is also based on molecular structure and size as well as other factors. Therefore, it eliminates lead, but not calcium or magnesium. Liquid zeolite's effect on the body is milder than that of classic chelators.

Liquid zeolite removes toxins by placing the ions in the zeolite's molecular cage. It effectively inactivates the toxins' ions, preventing them from reacting with the body as they are being expelled. (That reactivity is common with other chelators and is popularly called a detox syndrome or healing crisis.)

The heavy metals and other toxins bound up by liquid zeolite are unable to do any damage to the kidneys or bladder in the process of being eliminated. The only type of reaction that liquid zeolite can cause is slight dehydration, which is easily prevented or remedied by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Finally, detoxifying with liquid zeolite is much less expensive than using classic chelating agents. Traditional chelation is done in a series of intravenous treatments. Just one of these sessions can cost more than six weeks of liquid zeolite at the detoxification dose.

18. How can liquid zeolite remove toxic metals, such as lead and mercury,
but not healthy ones such as calcium and magnesium?

Zeolite's ability to attract and bind different substances is based on the size, shape, and electrical configuration of its molecular cages. Zeolite's greatest affinity is with heavy metals, especially mercury, cadmium, lead, and arsenic. Lighter metals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous have smaller ions, so their affinity to zeolite is less.

Think of it as being similar to a lion's cage. The bars keep the lion in, but a mouse can run freely in and out. In much the same way, zeolite traps and eliminates heavy metals and other toxins, while it leaves minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus in the body.

19. Does it remove toxins that are not positively charged?

The zeolite in solution attracts and traps positively charged particles that fit into the pores and channels of the zeolite cage. These include heavy metals, nitrosamines, and some viral particles. Most pharmaceuticals, herbicides, and hormone mimetics are either uncharged or negatively charged, and so have little affinity with zeolite.

However, liquid zeolite does appear to have an indirect effect on these compounds. Most are eliminated through liver-induced glucuronidation, and there is published evidence that liver function is improved as a result of taking liquid zeolite.

Like many of the benefits of liquid zeolite, the elimination of these toxins is a downstream consequence of liquid zeolite's primary abilities – detoxifying the body and balancing systemic pH.

Based on studies that he is conducting at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, Dr. Gabriel Cousens has found that fasting in combination with the use of liquid zeolite greatly improves the elimination of toxins that have a negative or neutral charge.

20. I've read that there's a chemical in Teflon that may cause cancer.
Does liquid zeolite remove it?

An EPA advisory board has called one of the chemicals in Teflon a likely carcinogen. That chemical is perfluoroctanoic acid (PFOA). Studies have found that PFOA is present in low levels in the blood of 90% of Americans, which is not surprising given that Teflon is very widely used. Approximately 70% of the cookware sold in the U.S. has a non-stick coating.

Recently, at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, eight people who had tested positive for Teflon and PFOA had almost no traces of either substance after completing a week-long green-juice fast that included 15 drops of liquid zeolite four times per day.
21. Since liquid zeolite removes foreign metal ions from the body, can it attack dental fillings, hip replacements, or breast implants?

No, it will not. The mechanism by which liquid zeolite removes heavy metals from the body is entirely passive – it only removes metal ions that are in free solution. There is no way that it can pull titanium from hip replacements or silicon from breast implants.

The zeolite in the liquid zeolite attracts and traps small, highly-charged particles that fit into the pores and channels of the zeolite cage. This includes heavy metals (Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, etc.), nitrosamines and some viral particles

22. Is liquid zeolite a supplement or a drug?

Liquid zeolite is sold as a food supplement. Yet there is a patent for its use as an epithelial cell cancer treatment. Many food supplements, such as Vitamin C and Omega 3 fatty acids, can be used therapeutically, but that does not make them drugs.

Dr. Harvey Kaufman, the cancer researcher, who formulated liquid zeolite, originally planned to move forward with the FDA drug-approval process. However, bringing a new drug to market is extremely expensive and time-consuming, and the challenge proved to be daunting.

Dr. Kaufman then introduced liquid zeolite to biochemist Rik Deitsch. Recognizing the product to be safe, natural, and non-toxic, Deitsch knew it could be brought to market much faster and at a much lower cost as a nutritional supplement rather than as a drug.

23. If liquid zeolite is not a drug, why is the patent labeled
Epithelial Cell Cancer Drug?

The patent for liquid zeolite is U.S. #6,288,045. The application was submitted for patent consideration under the title "Epithelial Cell Cancer Drug," so the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office adopted that name as the patent title.

However, the term drug is the legal term given to a product (whether natural or not) that is approved by the FDA.

Companies marketing drugs are allowed to make specific product claims that cannot be made about products that are not approved as drugs.

24. Can liquid zeolite cure cancer?

Liquid zeolite is not approved as a drug, and so no claim can be made that it cures, treats, or prevents cancer or any other disease. It would be illegal to do so as well as irresponsible on the basis of the small studies that have been done to date.

What we can say is that zeolite has a unique mechanism of action against cancer cells. Theoretically, it has the rare ability to take in a tremendous amount of positively charged toxins, indirectly neutralizing their effect in causing cancer.

In the process, the zeolite develops a slight positive charge. It is then attracted to and pulled right into the negatively charged membrane of the cancer cell, activating the cell's P21 gene. This gene acts as a tumor suppressor through its ability to control cell-cycle progression. The activation of P21 appears to halt the growth of tumors by directly suppressing growth signals.
We can also say that liquid zeolite has made a difference for many people with cancer. In one study involving 65 people with terminal cancer of all types, 78 percent were in complete remission for more than 12 months at the end of 2005 (LifeLink Pharmaceuticals, 2005).

25. Does liquid zeolite kill viruses?

No. However, zeolite does trap pre-virus components, which prevents viruses from replicating.

Viruses are produced in parts as on a production line, at the end of which the virus is fully constructed. Zeolite absorbs viral parts into the pores of the micronized zeolite aggregates (not into the molecular cages described above). This explains why zeolite seems to block the development of many viral infections, including herpes virus 1, coxsackie virus B-5, echovirus 7, and adenovirus 5.

Forty anecdotal cases of herpes zoster have reportedly been healed, with sufferers becoming pain-free in one to three days after beginning to take liquid zeolite. Anecdotal testimony also indicates that liquid zeolite is effective in alleviating the flu, colds, hepatitis C, rheumatoid arthritis, and viral- or heavy-metal-induced multiple sclerosis.

Zeolite's anti-viral effect appears to be a preventative function that builds up over time, beginning after approximately four to six weeks of use, after heavy metals and other toxins have been mostly eliminated. However, there is some anecdotal evidence that liquid zeolite's anti-viral effect is immediate.

26. What does it mean that liquid zeolite balances the body's pH level?

The zeolite in solution is a negatively charged molecule with a cage-like structure that is able to trap positively charged hydronium ions. These ions lower the pH or make it more acidic. By eliminating them, liquid zeolite helps balance the pH to a more neutral, alkaline level.

27. Why is it important to maintain proper pH balance?

Because bacteria, fungi, yeast, and viruses—as well as diseases such as cancer – thrive in an acidic environment. Acidic pH levels of 6.9 and below are conducive to disease. The optimum pH of your body should be slightly alkaline – between 7.35 and 7.45 – which is the level that liquid zeolite tends to establish.

28. Is it true that liquid zeolite balances blood sugar levels?

Yes. Liquid zeolite appears to help balance blood sugar. Glucose molecules are positively charged, and adsorb or stick to the outside of the zeolite cage. (They are too big to fit inside zeolite's molecular structure.)

By eliminating excess glucose, zeolite helps to buffer blood glucose levels, in the same way that it helps buffer blood pH levels by removing excess hydronium ions. If you are an insulin-dependent diabetic, be aware that liquid zeolite may lower your need for insulin.

29. Zeolite contains aluminum ions. Could this potentially be harmful?

No. The aluminum is very strongly bonded into the cage-like structure of the zeolite, and so is completely unavailable biologically. It would take temperatures of 900°F (480°C) to break the aluminum free from the zeolite crystal.

There is no chance that liquid zeolite can introduce any aluminum into the body. In fact, tests prove not only that all the aluminum in zeolite stays in the zeolite, but also that liquid zeolite causes additional aluminum to be excreted through the urine. That means that liquid zeolite efficiently removes aluminum from the body.

30. Does liquid zeolite affect liver function?

By reducing the body's toxic load, liquid zeolite makes the liver's job easier and therefore takes the strain off this vital detoxification organ. This leads to a healthier liver.

31. According to testimonials, some people feel happier when they take
liquid zeolite.
How is that possible?

This appears to be a benefit of eliminating toxins and may also, according to preliminary research, be a function of increased serotonin production.

One study suggests that zeolite may help relieve depression.

32. How does liquid zeolite benefit the immune system?

Most of the immunological benefits of liquid zeolite are the result of detoxifying the body and buffering the pH level. As heavy metals and other toxins are eliminated and the pH is established at an optimal, slightly alkaline level, all the systems of the body are able to function more effectively.

As one simple example of how this can occur, consider the availability of zinc, which has been well documented to be of benefit to the immune system. When lead accumulates in the body, it takes the place of zinc. By eliminating lead, liquid zeolite makes it possible for zinc stores to be replenished, directly enhancing immune system health.

33. Is liquid zeolite safe for transplant recipients?

Yes. Liquid zeolite is perfectly safe for transplant recipients. The only precaution is to start with three to five drops three times a day, and gradually increase the dosage.

Transplant recipients must not take anything that stimulates the immune system. Liquid zeolite is not an immuno-stimulant. It is an immuno-modulatory agent – it appears to help the immune system work more efficiently.

At present, liquid zeolite is being used safely by a number of transplant recipients.

34. Is liquid zeolite safe for people who have auto-immune disorders?

Yes. Like transplant recipients, people who suffer from auto-immune disorders – including multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, and lupus erythematosus – must not do anything to increase immune system function, because that could make their disease worse.

Since liquid zeolite is not an immuno-stimulant, it can be used safely by people with auto-immune disorders.

35. Can liquid zeolite be taken safely by people undergoing dialysis?

Yes. People on dialysis can use liquid zeolite safely as long as they keep their dosage low – in the range of three to five drops per dose – in order to avoid dehydration, as they have to limit the amount of water they drink.

People who have renal insufficiency, but are not on dialysis, can take liquid zeolite safely, with no dosage adjustment.

36. How efficient is liquid zeolite absorption in the intestines?

About 60% of the liquid zeolite you ingest binds toxins in the bloodstream and at the cellular level. The remaining 40% stays in the intestinal tract, where it helps to protect the body from toxic absorption.

37. Does liquid zeolite remove depleted uranium from the body?

We don't know yet. However, since depleted uranium carries a positive charge, liquid zeolite theoretically should remove it from the body.

Zeolite's ability to bind with radioactive minerals was proven during the Chernobyl disaster, when tons of powdered zeolite were used to remove radioactive cesium and strontium-90 before they contaminated local water systems.

Technical Questions:

38. Who first formulated liquid zeolite?

Mr. Harvey Kaufman, a biochemist from a small pharmaceutical company in Ohio, devoted 37 years of research to purifying and activating zeolite to formulate liquid zeolite.

In 2001, he was granted U.S. Patent #6,288,045. That patent is leased to Waiora, the company that has the exclusive right to produce and market liquid zeolite.

39. There are many different zeolites. Which one is used in liquid zeolite?

Clinoptilolite is the zeolite used in liquid zeolite.

40. How is liquid zeolite different from powdered zeolite?

Powdered zeolite is still in its original mineral form. All minerals are in essence rocks and for the most part, cannot be absorbed by the body unless changed to a water-soluble or liquid form. Liquid zeolite contains a patented water-soluble bio-available form of zeolite.

According to Rik Deitsch of Waiora's Scientific Advisory Board, liquid activated zeolite is nine to twenty times more active than powdered zeolite. The powdered form works well in the digestive tract and has been used for GI distress, but powdered zeolite molecules are far too large to be absorbed into the bloodstream, which limits the zeolite's efficacy.
Furthermore, powdered zeolite contains metals and other toxins that were drawn to it underground. These take up much of the available surface area of the zeolite, again limiting its efficacy.

Liquid zeolite's patented activation process empties out the zeolite cage, removing any toxins and "activating" the molecule to be maximally effective.

41. How is it possible to purify zeolite?
Wouldn't the toxins that are freed from it be attracted right back into the zeolite
after the chemical bonds are broken?

The patented activation process used empties out the zeolite cage and removes all extraneous metals, eliminating any toxins that were found with the zeolite.

The zeolite molecule is, for all practical purposes, indestructible. Temperatures of up to 900°F (480°C) will not crack the molecule. It can be frozen in solution and defrosted without any change in activity.

It is also amphoteric, which means that it exists equally well in acidic or basic environments.

Powdered zeolite is heated at temperatures approaching boiling point in a slightly acidic environment. At this temperature, the molecule cannot be broken, but the heat in solution lengthens its bonds. In essence, we are "bending" the bars of the zeolite cage.

The slightly acidic condition allows for easy cationic exchange and allows any absorbed material to "fall out" of the zeolite. This material precipitates out of solution and is removed from the product. The solution is then cooled slowly over 24 hours. What remains in solution are the micronized zeolite in molecular form and some lighter metals – calcium, sodium, magnesium, and phosphorus – which migrate back into the zeolite and help stabilize the molecule.

When liquid zeolite is ingested, the lighter metals easily undergo cationic exchange with metals that have greater affinity with zeolite, particularly mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic.

42. Where does the zeolite used in liquid zeolite come from?

The raw material used to make liquid zeolite comes from zeolite mines in Montana and Texas, which are renowned for their exceptionally high purity.

43. How much zeolite is there in a bottle of liquid zeolite?

There is 24mg of clinoptilolite (the type of zeolite used in liquid zeolite) per 3 drop serving size. As an entire bottle contains 300+ drops then a bottle contains approximately 2.4 grams of zeolite.

44. How is the zeolite mined?
What environmental impact does the mining have?

Zeolites are formed in areas where there was volcanic activity several thousand years ago. The zeolite used in liquid zeolite is hand-mined, causing no damage to the surrounding environment. The zeolite is micronized at the mine site (pulverized to a fine powder and filtered through a fine mesh screen), then placed in barrels and transported to the manufacturer.

45. Are workers exposed to any health or safety risks in mining the zeolite
and manufacturing liquid zeolite?

The sites where the zeolite is mined are specific for their sheet-like zeolites, which are considered to be completely safe – even when inhaled. Waiora does not control the activity at these mines, which are U.S. sites, governed by U.S. labor laws. Waiora manufactures liquid zeolite at a facility adhering to certified Good Manufacturing Practices as set forth by the Food and Drug Administration.

46. Does liquid zeolite need refrigeration after the bottle is opened?


47. Will heat affect liquid zeolite – for example,
if I leave the bottle in the sun inside my car?

Zeolite is a virtually indestructible mineral that is unaffected by temperatures under approximately 900°F (480°C). The plastic bottles that liquid zeolite comes in are high-grade dense polyethylene that should not leach at normal, ambient temperatures. The only issues would be if they were stored over time above 100°F (40°C), or if they were heated (as in a microwave).

48. Can liquid zeolite go through x-ray machines at airports?

Yes. It can go through an x-ray without any loss of potency or effectiveness.

49. What is the shelf life of a bottle of liquid zeolite?

All products that are ingested need to have shelf life specified on the label, and liquid zeolite is labeled as having a shelf life of two years.

Given the nature of the zeolite molecule, liquid zeolite's shelf life might very well be much longer.

50. Why does liquid zeolite sometimes look,
taste or smell differently from bottle to bottle?

The zeolite that is used in liquid zeolite is a naturally mined product and because of this, there can be slight variations in the excess mineral content, giving slight variances of colour (Sometimes it has a brownish tint.) and taste from batch to batch.

These slight variations between batches in no way affects the efficacy or safety of the product.

50. Why is liquid zeolite sold via multi-level marketing?

Multi-level marketing (MLM) is an efficient and cost-effective way to penetrate the health market, without having to educate every shop assistant about the benefits and how to bring it to customer’s attention.

We believe liquid zeolite is so extraordinary that the enthusiasm of MLM is the fastest way to get it to people, who will be willing to experience its benefits, as well as provide an income for those who free lance exceptional customer service and training.

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