Please Note:
Liquid Zeolite is not a medicine.
It is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease.
In no way should these testimonies be taken to imply that
liquid Zeolite is a medicine or has medicinal action.
If you have a medical condition,
liquid Zeolite should ideally be integrated into a proper treatment program supervised by a medical doctor.
The statements below have not been evaluated by the FDA.
If you are unwell or taking medication, we recommend you seek the advice of a qualified healthcare practitioner before starting a Zeolite program.
Doctors Experiences With Liquid Zeolite
Table Of Contents
Title Name Speciality Patient Health Challenge(s)Table Of Contents
01 M.D. Aiello Internest, Geriatrician Kidney Stones
02 DVM Becker Veterinarian Cat. Low Energy
03 DC Carpentier Genital Warts, Nasal Congestion, Tonsilitis, Viral Meningitis
04 M.D. Cousins Vital for everyone living in the industrial world
05 DC Gleeson Results where none were expected!
06 Gugel Kinesiologist, Nutritionist Energy, Mental Problems
07 DMD Hart Dentist Brain Fog, Glands, Lupis
08 DC Hesdalen Nutrition Allergy, Concentration, Hay fever, Warts
09 M.D. Lee Internist Heptitis C, Epstein-Barr, Chronic Fatigue, Mononucleosis
10 M.D. Prochiuk Homeopathic Appetite, Autistic, Brain, Pancreatic Carcinoma
11 M.D. Taylor Gastro-enterologist Immune Function, Balanced pH, Detox
12 M.D. Trobiani Neurologist Ounce of Prevention
13 Webb Uterus
14 DC Zorich Autism, Leukemia, Skin, Neurotoxins, Detox, shocking results
Doctor's Stories
01. Dr. Stephen Aiello, M.D., Board Certified Internist and Geriatrician
Metro Philadelphia Area, Pennsylvania
"Liquid Zeolite is a 100% natural, safe, non-toxic oral detoxification and treatment agent with no side effects and no drug interactions. It offers patients a direct to consumer, non-prescription agent that can protect, detoxify, and treat viral illness and exposure to environmental pollutants like heavy metals, pesticides and household chemicals - common cancer-causing toxins that we get exposed to every day.
For less than $40 a month, this product should be a part of everyone's immune system enhancement and cancer protection program. I take it, my family takes it and I'm recommending it to all my patients."
"I think I may have stumbled on to a new use for liquid activated Zeolite. As you may know I practice geriatrics and internal medicine. I recommend the Zeolite to patients who are going to travel or are exposed to closed groups of people, like teachers or patients visiting family for the holidays.
I have a patient who flies on commercial airlines frequently and has had a number of upper respiratory infections this year from this type of exposure. I told him to go on the Zeolite to see if we could prevent this. He also has had multiple episodes of kidney stones over the last 20 years, including lithotripsy {crushing of stones by sound waves} and ureterocystoscopies (going through the bladder up the tube to the kidney to remove a stone).
He was told by his urologist that he had a stone wedged in the lower part of the kidney. He had cat scans and studies to prove this, and to locate the stone. He scheduled to have the stone removed a couple weeks after starting the liquid activated Zeolite.
On the morning of surgery the urologist got an x-ray to confirm that the stone was still in the same place and guess what, it was gone. This patient has passed stones before, so he knows it is like trying to pass a piece of broken glass. He is sure that he did not pass this stone intact.
On a scientific basis this seems to make sense to me, because we know the Zeolite picks up positively charged particles. Kidney stones are usually made up of debris wrapped in minerals. (70% have calcium in them. That is why most stones can be seen on an x ray}. If this turns out to be a new use for the Zeolite, I can't even express what a medical find this would be.
For most people the only way to prevent kidney stones is to avoid calcium in their diet. To have bone strength that is not a good idea.
Also, I know kidney stones and infections are a common problem in small dogs and especially in cats. I obviously will be using liquid activated Zeolite on any of my kidney stone patients, especially since there is no down side. It is 100% non-toxic and safe."
02. Dr. Jan Becker DVM, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
"I have been giving liquid activated Zeolite to my entire family, including one very special member, our cat Coconut. His story goes like this. He was rescued by me when I was an emergency veterinarian. He was brought to the emergency clinic needing surgery right away to save his life. His owners wouldn't pay for this, so they signed him over to me, so Coconut received his surgery.
My husband and I adopted Coconut and have had him for years. He is extremely sweet and affectionate, but would mostly sleep all day. We called it "lumping" or being "Cocotose" when he would sleep so soundly that it scared us.
Once he recovered I had him "work" as a blood donor for two years saving others kitty's lives. This involved sedating or fully anesthetizing him monthly for the procedure of collecting his blood to save some other cat in need.
Also, while in the clinic, Coconut had a few bouts of "fever of unknown origin", which is usually viral.
Since giving Coconut Zeolite (3 drops once a day, as cats don't tend to like taking anything), Coconut has come alive. He sleeps less, not as deep and less worrisomely. He plays with toys and the others cats, which he never did before. I suspect somehow the Zeolite is removing the anesthesia residues, though it isn't claimed to do so. Also, if there was any residual virus affecting him, it has handled that.
This has been a great win for me, as Coconut is truly a hero. I am glad to give him a better life in any way I can.
03. Dr. France Carpentier, DC, Florida
“I have been a Doctor of Chiropractic for the past 25 years. A few weeks ago, in early September, Tari Steward and Gary Danko came to my clinic to tell me and my husband, who is also a Chiropractor, about a fantastic new health product called liquid activated Zeolite that we ought to look into for use in our clinic. I have known both of these gentlemen for years, and I knew they must have had a good reason to be so excited, so I agreed to look into it.
I listened to a CD entitled “Killer Toxins, Doctors Speak Out”. I was so taken by the sincerity of those medical doctors speaking out, and because I understood the potential benefit of this unique health product. That night at home I downloaded and read the Zeolite "White Paper" (scientific research paper) and the U.S. patent, because I needed to see the scientific aspects of it.
In my clinic I'm very picky on my choice of supplemental nutrients I offer my patients. They have to be made from organic food. I also offer very high quality herbs prepared by a traditional Chinese medical doctor. I have a very high standard. After reading the scientific research paper, I knew liquid activated Zeolite meet my standard.
A few days later I received the product. That day a patient I had not seen for weeks came in. Eight weeks prior she had been hospitalized for viral meningitis (Inflammation of the brain and spinal cord as a result of a viral infection. It had been characterized by fever, vomiting, intense headache, and stiff neck. She had been on Morphine (pain killer medication) for 6 days.
She was released from the hospital, but not feeling well. She was having pain in her head, stomach and muscles, as well as feeling nauseous and weak. Her husband had to support her when she was walking, and she whispered to save her strength. I gave her a treatment and suggested she start taking the Zeolite in order to strengthen her immune system.
She called me less than 48 hours later. Her voice was full of life when she said "Dr France I'm 85% better!!!! “ I had goose bumps on my arms, I was so happy for her.
I started offering the Zeolite to other patients with different health problems. One of them is a lady that had been exposed to a strong chemical when she cleaned her fireplace 3 months prior. Her breathing was laborious. She was coughing non-stop. Her complexion was grayish and she was very tired.
Her family practitioner had ordered chest X-rays, which were normal. I suggested she take the Zeolite. One week later she came back smiling and gave me a thumbs up. Her cheeks were rosy and she told me her cough was 90% gone!!!
A 23-year-old woman, who has been a chiropractic patient of mine for 3 years, heard about liquid activated Zeolite and told me she had genital warts. (These warts are known to be caused by a virus called HPV Papilloma virus, which is also known to cause cervical cancer). She had them burned, but they came back. She took medication and put medicated ointment on them without any change.
I told her she had nothing to lose by trying the Zeolite at 10 drops 3 times a day. One week later she complained they were bigger and painful. I told her to increase the drops to 15 at three times a day, which she did. I saw her the next week, but forgot to inquire about them. The following week I asked her and she told me that last week she wanted to let me know, but forgot. She had this big smile on her face and told me one morning she woke up and they were all gone!! It’s been four weeks since then and she is still free of them!
A lady has been suffering for a few days of nasal congestion, runny nose, had lost her voice and her chest was congested. She took 10 drops of the Zeolite in the morning and by the afternoon her voice was back, her nose was cleared and three days later her chest was completely normal. Also, for the first time in years she was able to have a daily bowel movement.
Two years ago, my daughter had a severe tonsillitis (painful inflammation of the tonsils caused by bacterial infection). She was away at school and was put on a course of antibiotics. Despite the antibiotics she was in bed for 5 days. Last week she started to become ill with tonsillitis again. She had been taking liquid activated Zeolite for 10 days, so I told her to increase it to 15 drops 4 times a day. Two days later she got up and felt so good she said it was as if she had not been sick at all.
Every day I tell my patients and my friends to take this wonderful product. I have been taking it for 3 weeks now. I have great energy already, but with the Zeolite, my running is even better!! I'm using this product as well as eating a healthy diet, taking good quality nutrients from whole food, exercise and do not smoke, so I can live a long, active and healthy life. I suggest everyone should do the same."
04. Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D., Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center
"I take Zeolite. I feel that everyone living in the industrial world should be taking it on a regular basis. This product is very different from supplements. Zeolite is simple, elegant, extraordinary, and vital for healthy living in today's toxic world.”
05. Dr. Dan Gleeson DC
"Zeolite tests strong in every case. A first step in even the most compromised situations. We've seen results where none are expected, and recommend the Patented liquid Zeolite highly to all of our Doctors and patients.”
06. John Gugel, Kinesiologist & Nutritionist, Florida
“I'm now 76 years old and my wife and I noticed right away that we had an increase in energy, that our mental acuity improved, our short term memory was back with us again, and it was great to see that from personal experience.
We couldn't help but immediately thank God for bringing us such a great product out of his tool chest and of course we thank the doctors responsible for bringing all of this about. I do believe that this is the most profound single product that I've seen in 39 years.
The great rewards for us the last three months, is seeing what it's done for so many people. I know we can't be specific, but I just want to tell you that some of these things are just awesome. To see people excited, to see people responding so well to good health, because of this product has been outstanding. It's exciting to see something that can do this, I think is the best of blessings."
07. Dayton Hart, DMD, Alabama
"I am a Biological Dentist, who has been a Dentist for over 30 years. The essence of Biological Dentistry is using materials and treatments that strengthen the immune system and eliminate toxins that might be suppressing the immune system. Therefore, I do not use mercury amalgam fillings in my dental practice.
Since I am a high-energy person by nature, I was a little skeptical about liquid activated Zeolite at first. Also, being a dentist who is approached by every person with a product, I had my barriers up. I started reading the testimonials and could not believe what I was reading. Two weeks ago I got the Zeolite and wanted to see what kind of response my patients would have.
My first testimonial was from Michelle, who had come to me because she knew that I was a Biological Dentist. She had lupus for many years and her symptoms were arthritis, joint pain, no energy, brain fog and swollen 'glands. She had done research that had implicated her mercury fillings, so we made a treatment plan to remove them. About six weeks before she contacted me, she had broken a tooth with mercury filling in it. The whole time the tooth was broken, she had a sore throat. I safely removed the mercury filling and placed a crown on the tooth.
Two days after the appointment she called in a panic. She felt the mercury had been stirred up in the removal process and had overloaded her system. She had flu like systems and wanted to know what I recommended, so I gave her liquid activated Zeolite.
When she returned a few days later, she was elated and wants to tell the world about her experience. The first day she took the Zeolite she had terrible diarrhea, but more energy and major relief from her arthritis. On day two she experienced dizziness and was cold. The sore throat she had had for six weeks was gone, but she was cold all of the time. Day three she still had a little diarrhea and a little cold sensation, but her joints did not hurt. Day four she had no diarrhea, more concentration, more energy, improved vision, less muscle weakness, no arthritis, and lots of energy. She feels that this product has given her back her life.
I want to videotape her. Anyone who saw her two weeks ago would not believe it was the same person. She thought she had ADD, because she could not concentrate. Now she can focus her attention. The change was so dramatic that her manager commented on it.”
08. Dr. Darrel Hestdalen, D.C., North Dakota
"I’ve been a Doctor of Chiropractic for 28 years. I'm board certified in Applied Kinesiologist and Acupuncture and my focus for the last 28 years has been on clinical nutrition and preventive health. In my 30 years of using extensive nutrition, this is by far the biggest breakthrough that I have seen. It offers a safety and efficacy that we just don't see with other products. It actually helps all other products work better.
We've had a number of people that have had hay fever, allergy symptoms and chronic sinus issues that have had remarkable improvements. My wife has had chronic sinus issues for 40 years. After being on liquid Zeolite for about six weeks, she's actually had her sinuses drain for the first time in her life. This is the best winter she's ever had in relation to her sinuses.
Here in the Red River Valley of the North during harvest season, hay fever is a big issue. Since my patients have been on liquid Zeolite they went through the harvest season with no hay fever or allergy symptoms at all.
One child had extreme activity and lack of concentration issues. In just a few days after taking the product, everybody commented on how much better behaved he was, since he was able to sit quietly and play. He also had a major change in his ability to learn.
In just a few weeks we've seen chronic, degenerative type skin conditions, and other open ulcerations or discolorations, almost like a growing infection experience major healings. Because of liquid Zeolite’s effect on viral replication, we've had people report many of their warts have disappeared."
09. Dr. Alex Lee, M.D., Board Certified Internist & Gastroenterologist
Assistant Clinical Professor at UCLA Medical Center Los Angeles, CA
"We know that the cumulative effects of pollutants, toxins, heavy metals, and other carcinogens can have a devastating effect on our bodies. No matter what we try to do to minimize exposure, we are all at risk due to their presence in our environment.
"Certainly diet and lifestyle modification may help reduce some of the overall risk. However, It is abundantly clear that the diet and lifestyle changes are not enough. Environmental factors increase our risk of cancer and are generally beyond our control.
"What if there was a product whose physical properties were to trap, and activate, and eliminate harmful toxins, heavy metals and carcinogens such as nitrosamines and nitrates?
Liquid Zeolite is a unique, all-natural product that is 100% safe, non-toxic, easy to use and affordable.
"As a practicing physician, I know that prevention and decreasing your risk of cancer is a far better alternative to surgery, chemotherapy or radiation treatment."
"With my background in research, I did my due diligence. In the process of doing that, what I've seen over the past several months, in terms of the efficacy of the Zeolite product, there is basically one word to describe the product and that is "remarkable".
I'm so impressed, because of the people coming forward with their own personal testimonials. l've never seen this many. This is an incredible testament to the efficacy of the product. We don't make claims that activated Zeolite is a cure or treatment for any particular disease state, but I want to share with you some experiences I've seen. . .
For example we're looking at an anecdotal study of patients with Hepatitis C using activated Zeolite. The very first person we enrolled dropped their Hepatitis C viral load from 10 million to 7 million after six weeks. Another person’s Hepatitis C viral load dropped from 3 million to 100,000 after a couple of months.
In terms of viral responses, a teenager was diagnosed with severe mononucleosis and Epstein-Barr virus infection. This person had a sore throat, lymph nodes were swollen, he was very debilitated with a fever - the whole bit. He and his family were told he would be out of school for six weeks or more with no sports. Within two weeks he was back at school and boxing. The family and treating physician could not believe the rapid response. The usual, clinical history of someone with severe mononucleosis is to be sick for literally six to eight weeks or more. Most patients with that diagnosis are debilitated and have chronic fatigue for upwards of six months or longer.
That's to share with you some of the experiences I've seen recently. That's why I passionately feel the Zeolite product has so much to offer to the entire population. I feel this is almost a crusade to educate the public about the benefits of this one product. Many, many, many people feel that way as well."
10. Dr. Peter Prociuk, M.D. Homeopathic Physician, Pennsylvania
"There have been two major transforming events in my professional career. The first was when I decided to change to homeopathy in 1992 after I had discovered a whole new world of healing. The second event was in late 2005 when I was introduced to liquid activated Zeolite with my partner's (Elizabeth Webb) mother's story.
One of my primary focuses in my practice is helping autistic children and children who are developmentally impaired. Both conditions I believe are primarily diseases of toxicity.
Usually we treat those conditions with nutritional support and traditional chelators. The introduction of liquid activated Zeolite into my practice has radically transformed the outcome of many of these cases. I am so enthusiastic and excited about treating these children and being able to offer the parents a highly effective detoxifying agent that has such an incredible safety profile.
It has truly surpassed all my expectations. This is not about treating a particular condition, because it is a spectacularly effective detoxification agent that has usefulness in virtually every chronic disease. I believe toxicity plays a part in the pathology of practically every chronic disease. Therefore, liquid Zeolite can be a marvelous tool in helping people recover.
In conditions where toxicity is primarily the concern, like developmental issues, it is spectacularly effective.
There was a follow up this morning with a four year old boy, who I began working with at the beginning of February. At that time he was still in diapers, was totally non-communicative, was grinding his teeth and had temper-tantrums on an extremely regular basis.
I started him on some nutrients and liquid Zeolite. Within three days of starting the liquid Zeolite, he was potty trained, which completely blew his parents away, and me as well. Over the next six weeks his speech literally exploded, his spontaneous emotional expression exploded, he came into my office today asking a whole raft of different questions, including "why's".
He wanted to know "why this, why that" all of which indicates normal cognitive function was really starting up in him. His temperament was vastly improved, his teeth grinding had completely resolved and his appetite and digestion had improved. It was truly spectacular!
Not every child responds like that, but certainly there's an across-the-board response to this product in that group of children I haven't ever seen with any other single product.
I have another lady that I followed up with this week, who was diagnosed six weeks ago with metastatic pancreatic carcinoma in her spine, lymph nodes and liver. When she came in six weeks ago she was feeling very run down. She had a tremendous amount of back pain, which is a characteristic and ominous sign of pancreatic cancer.
One month later she walked into my office full of energy. Her complexion looked great, her energy and mood was great and she had no back pain. Her story is certainly not over, but nonetheless there's pretty convincing clinical evidence that her condition has improved tremendously. The only thing that she has been doing differently is taking liquid Zeolite.
So, that’s two follow-ups I had this week that were both pretty impressive and powerful testimonies to the incredible ability this product has to pull toxins out of the body, and allow the natural healing mechanisms to operate fully and freely. The results speak for themselves.
With typical chelators, you simply do not see the quality of the response that I've been seeing with liquid Zeolite. These kids seem to respond much more quickly and much more fully than with traditional chelating agents. It's really a pleasure to use.
It's almost a delight to have a new child come in, because I know that I have something that's truly going to help this child in all likelihood. Previously there were things I could do and things that would help the children, but nothing to this extent. I would say that it is the most powerful tool that I have in my clinical arsenal to help this group of children.
At this point, I cannot think of a single child (out of 40) that I have used the liquid Zeolite with, who has not responded to some degree.
This latest generation of children is probably the sickest generation of children in American history. The number of allergies, the incidence of asthma, diabetes, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, developmental issues and chronic conditions of every sort has literally mushroomed in this last generation. When you see this type of global, multi-faceted deterioration in the level of health in an entire generation - 30% of these children are on some kind of chronic medication - that is clearly an indication of tremendous environmental toxicity that's impacted these children tremendously.
Liquid Zeolite is probably the single most effective agent that can favorably influence every single one of these conditions. This product is probably the single most valuable tool that a physician or a parent can use to help recover the health of their children.
I understand that's a very big statement to say, and I'm certainly not saying it glibly. I truly believe that this product is a godsend. Liquid Zeolite is something that is vitally necessary for us to take to start recovering our health.
Systemic toxicity is probably responsible for 90% or more of all of the illnesses that doctors see in their offices every single day. There's not a person on this planet who does not have some kind of ailment that is the result of some kind of toxicity. Every single human being on this planet would benefit from taking liquid Zeolite. I have not the slightest doubt that every condition that you could possibly mention, in my opinion, would benefit to some degree from reducing the toxic burden."
11. Dr. Ross Taylor, M.D., Gastroenterologist and Nutritional Support Physician
Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Tulsa, Oklahoma
"I'm a practicing gastroenterologist in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with a special certification in nutritional support. I work with Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa. This is a national organization that's focused on the care, treatment and the prevention of this very serious illness.
The science and research behind the natural Zeolite product demonstrates its ability to safely detoxify the body of environmental toxins and potential carcinogens. We now know that many of these illnesses that we are face, as we age, are strongly impacted by these chemical toxins.
"On the basis of the extensive research concerning this product, I'm impressed with its ability to support a healthy immune function, balance the body's pH, detoxify and/or chelate heavy metals, toxins and other known illness-causing agents.
"This all natural Zeolite product could be the most important and significant breakthrough in detoxification - ever. By detoxifying the body of these harmful substances, we can help reduce the risk of minor illnesses and many serious illnesses as well. This is a product that I and my family use daily and I believe that everyone should be using."
12. Dr. Steven Troblani, M.D.,
Board Certified Neurologist, Northstar Neurological Clinic, Minneapolis, MN
“ … the old adage, 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure', takes on a new meaning with cancer. Where cures are seldom, an ounce of prevention is worth years of an otherwise shortened life, including a ton of ineffective and miserable treatments.
"Since most cancers are caused by toxins, we either ingest or inhale, prevention means ridding our bodies of these toxins. I will be using liquid Zeolite, and I will be recommending this to every member of my family and every patient I see."
13. Dr. Elizabeth Webb, Pennsylvania
"My mother was diagnosed with stage 3 uterine cancer in October 2005. The malignancy had extended throughout the uterine wall, engulfing the right ovary and the cervix. It was a very bad situation. Her doctor said she had only 2 months to live.
She decided against conventional therapy. She wanted to pursue only supportive methods, such as nutrients and detoxifying agents. Soon I ran across zeolites. When I told my mother about this particular nutrient made from lava and the ocean, my mother said, "I’ll take it."
Immediately she began taking 15 drops every 4 hours. Within 3 weeks the cancer started receding. This was incredible. Even her hard-nosed oncologist had to recognize that this was amazing.
Needless to say, my mother, now 5 months later, is still here with us, feeling very good. In addition, her Type II Diabetes is also resolved. Since she had such an amazing experience, she wants me to tell her story to the whole world - and I want to tell this to the whole world.
What more motivation do I need than, I have my own mother here with me, because of this incredible product . . . this is phenomenal. I'm just so thrilled."
14. Dr. Tom Zorich DC, Rocklin, CA
“This product provides a simple, natural, and highly effective way to detoxify the body. I have seen phenomenal broad spectrum results in my practice in the first few weeks of providing this product to my patients.
"Being in practice for over twenty years and prior to that being a professional athlete, I've always studied nutrition. The thing I've seen most is remarkable changes when patients are done detoxing. We see people from all over the world with health care problems and very unusual toxic problems. The results we're getting with the liquid Zeolite is just shocking.
Two leukemia patients came back to show me their negative blood results. I've had numerous patients with autism, where the children are cognitive again. The list just goes on and on. Numerous patients, who took the liquid Zeolite, were terminal skin cancer patients. Their tests came back negative.
So, liquid Zeolite not only detoxes the body, it's a nutrient, it's non-toxic and I've never seen anything like it. It's really gotten me jazzed back up in my practice, because one of the biggest things we've had to confront is the neurotoxins and the toxins in our environment. It's really been tough for holistic practitioners. I feel this product is going to change the world!
When asked how long it takes to see results, I say it varies from patient to patient. If someone is very toxic, overweight, isn't on the right type of diet, it’s going to take a little longer. But, sometimes we’ll see it with patients the next day."
See Following Post: Patient's Experiences
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