Vascular diseases, stroke; heart attack, plus most of the cancers and macular degeneration, have been directly linked to lead. That's just lead," notes Dr. Nash. And 'just lead" is but a minor fraction of the toxic soup in which we have all come to stew.
Walter J. Crinnion, N.D., chairman of the department of environmental medicine at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Phoenix, wrote six years ago, "Chemical compounds (ubiquitous) in our food, air, and water are now found in every person. The bioaccumulation of these compounds in some individuals can lead to a variety of metabolic and systemic dysfunctions, and in some cases outright disease states.
The systems most affected by these xenobiotic compounds include the immune, neurological, and endocrine systems. lmmunotoxicity, according to Dr. Crinnion, may be the major factor in the increasing rates of asthma, allergies, cancers, and chronic viral infections. But the effects are widespread: ''Neurological toxicity can affect cognition, mood, and cause chronic neurological illnesses. Endocrine toxicity can affect reproduction, menses, libido, metabolism, stress-handling ability, glucose regulation, and other important functions."
Are we toxic? The answer increasingly appears to be yes - and your job, in order to maintain optimal health and reduce the incidence of the diseases of aging, is to detoxify. That conclusion is one being reached by more and more doctors, therapists and anti-aging practitioners.
A major breakthrough in detoxifying the human body that promote and cause disease is an amazing, one-of-a-kind product by Waiora named Natural Cellular Defense (NCD). It has been clinically formulated to remove heavy metals, toxins and carcinogens. "One of the greatest benefits of NCD is its ability to rid your body of the same toxins the EPA, FDA and DCD have declared dangerous. Eliminating these toxins not only helps strengthen your system and bolster your health, it can help save your life"... Rik Deitsch, Biochemist.
"All other heavy metal removal protocols are obsolete." Dr. Lyn Hanshew, M.D. Environmental Medicine.
"This is a gift from God to antidote our very difficult environmental conditions that keep us from being our fullest, healthiest, clearest, joyful, God-merged beings that we are meant to be." Gabriel Cousens, M.D
The Story of Natural Cellular Defense (NCD)
(Liquid Zeolite)
(Liquid Zeolite)
Natural Cellular Defense’s main mineral is Zeolite, which means, "boiling stone". Zeolite minerals are one of the most exciting discoveries for our toxic times. A Zeolite is an extra- ordinary form of a colloidal silicate mineral with a complex, naturally occurring geometric pyramidal molecular arrangement with an internal electron filter-like sieve. Due to this unique design, worldwide research has shown that Zeolite minerals have maximum cation exchange capacity (C.E.C.) - more than any other known substance on earth.
Maximum C.E.C. means that the minerals can help quickly and efficiently neutralize many toxic and even deadly substances - such as heavy metals, environmental pollutants, toxic chemicals and even radiation. In fact, its ability to neutralize deadly radioactive particles was one reason Zeolite originally became so famous and highly sought after.
The technical name of the Zeolite’s structure is tetrahedra. An aluminum silicate forms the back bone of the molecule surrounded by carbon molecules on each side (the aluminum silicate is an unavailable ion). Zeolites are naturally occurring hydrated aluminosilicate minerals. They belong to the class of minerals known as “tectosilicates”.
Most common natural Zeolites are formed by alteration of glass-rich volcanic rocks (tuff) with fresh water in playa lakes or by seawater. The structures of Zeolites consist of three dimension- al frameworks of 5i04 and Al04 tetrahedra.
The aluminum ion is small enough to occupy the position in the center of the tetrahedron of four oxygen atoms, and the isomorphous replacement of Si04+ by Al3+ produces a negative charge in the lattice. The net negative charge is balanced by the exchangeable cation (calcium, magnesium and phosphate).
These cations are exchangeable with certain cations in solutions such as lead and cadmium among others, following a Reactivity Series (from magnesium & Cambium to lead & arsenic to iron right on down the line).
The NCD is made from the Zeolite Clinoptilolite (this is the constituent Zeolite found in NCD.), which is a natural volcanic mineral with a unique, complex crystalline molecular structure.
Waiora uses Zeolite TechnologyTM to activate, micronize and purify the Zeolite minerals rendering them safe, non toxic and a highly bio-available liquid. (Not to be confused with powdered zeolites, which have large crystalline molecular structures and very limited bio-availability.)
NCD is a natural product which “detoxifies" the body from toxins and heavy metals.
Natural Cellular Defense enjoys GRAS status (Generally Recognized as Safe) by the FDA. It is recognized as 100% natural, safe and non-toxic.
All ingredients are found on the TSCA listing of GRAS chemicals used in everyday commerce in the United States - Code of Federal Regulations, TitIe 21, Volume 3,
http://vrn. cfsan. fda. gov/-lrd/cfr17030 .html
14 Reasons
Why Liquid Zeolite Is Such A
Unique, Extraordinary Supplement
Why Liquid Zeolite Is Such A
Unique, Extraordinary Supplement
1. Extremely safe and non-toxic:
Liquid Zeolite is completely non-toxic. It is safely and completely eliminated after 5 to 7 hours. It can be used long-term. Children, babies and pregnant women have safely taken it. Toxins that it captures in its cage are effectively deactivated, so there are no side-effects, except possibly slight dehydration, so it is important to drink plenty of water - 8 to 10 glasses a day. Since most pharmaceuticals are negatively charged chemicals, liquid Zeolite tends to leave them alone. (Always check with your doctor, if you are on medication).
2. Removes heavy metals:
Liquid Zeolite latches on to and removes heavy metals in an organized sequence, beginning with mercury. The elimination of each reactive metal is relatively fast. For example, mercury is removed within a week before going after cadmium and then lead. Within a few months all the “old” damaging metals, such as arsenic, aluminum, strontium and excess iron have been removed. Then, since we are continuously surrounded by damaging metals, Zeolite, will continue to cycle through its process, including “searching out” hidden metals in fat cells.
3. Helps remove pesticides, herbicides & dioxins:
Although liquid Zeolite is unable to remove these directly due to their negative or neutral charge, by reducing the toxic load in the liver, liver induced glucuronidation is increased, which is the process used by the liver to eliminate these damaging substances, which trigger cancer and disrupt hormone balances. It is very important even low levels of these are removed as quickly as possible.
4. Reduces viral load:
Once heavy metals are significantly reduced, liquid Zeolite will remove virus components before they are reproduced and assembled into a complete virus. This will help relieve some of the symptoms of viral diseases and infections.
5. Reduces absorption of nitrosamines (sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite):
Used in “cured/processed” meat and some fish to preserve the red color and look of freshness. These substances are linked to pancreatic, stomach and colon cancer, as well as Type II diabetes. Liquid Zeolite helps to neutralize these toxins in the digestive tract by capturing them in its molecular cages before they can be absorbed into the body. The body then safely eliminates the spent Zeolite.
6. Helps body pH become alkaline (healthy):
Liquid Zeolite, acts like a pH buffer by trapping excess protons, which helps prevent acidic conditions in blood and cellular fluids that support disease and low immunity. A slightly alkaline environment in our bodies (pH 7.35 to 7.45) promotes optimum immune function.
7. Helps buffer blood sugar:
In the same way that liquid Zeolite can buffer excess protons, it can also buffer excess glucose by its negative charge and therefore reduce blood sugar spikes.
8. Helps reduce cancer risk:
Scientific research has provided evidence that liquid Zeolite not only removes toxins that can cause cancer (75% or more of cancers may be toxin related), but can also destroy cancer cells directly by triggering the P21 tumor repressor gene.
Even the liquid Zeolite patent has been found to be useful for epithelial cancer cell destruction. (Note: This does not mean that liquid Zeolite is a cancer treatment per se, but rather that it is a useful supplement to integrate into a cancer treatment program supervised by a medical practitioner.)
9. Improves nutrient absorption:
By creating a healthy digestive system, liquid Zeolite is able to not only help facilitate nutrient absorption, but also helps promote healthy micro-organisms, which increases immunity to harmful stomach organisms and infections. Liquid Zeolite also helps reduce the incidents of diarrhea, which is why Zeolites can now be found in the latest diarrhea drugs.
10. Acts as a powerful antioxidant:
The cage-like structure of liquid Zeolite can also trap free radical molecules, making it an effective antioxidant. (Note: This does not mean that liquid Zeolite is a substitute for more conventional antioxidants such as Vitamins C, E and A, lutein and selenium, all of which have other vital roles to play in the body.)
11. Reduces symptoms of allergies:
Liquid Zeolite can capture some of the antigens that cause allergies, migraines, and asthma, so it helps to reduce the symptoms.
12. Increases immune system function:
Because of all of the above - with decreased toxic and viral loads in the body, many of which depress immune function and interfere with hormones - the immune system of those taking liquid Zeolite is rapidly optimized. Zeolite is not stimulating the immune system but removing those chemicals and conditions that interfere with it. This also means that we regain youthful energy and vitality.
13. Helps prevent aging:
The main reason many people age prematurely is due to the build up of toxins in their system that interferes with optimum metabolic function and cellular repair. By removing the toxic load with liquid Zeolite, the body's normal repair and regeneration mechanisms are able to work efficiently.
14. Very easy and pleasant to take:
Liquid Zeolite is a tasteless liquid in a small bottle that can be taken with or without food and removes only unhealthy ions.
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