Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Liquid Zeolite: Patient's Experiences

Table Of Contents

01. Lung
02. Cervical
03. Bladder
04. Leukemia, Pneumonia
05. Leukemia
06. Pancreatic
07. Prostate
08. Colon
09. Throat
10. Melanomia
11. Keritosis Melanomia
12. Kidney
13. Breast, Fiberous
14. Lung
15. Cervical
16. Breast
17. Chemotherapy
18. Leukemia

01. Malignant Mesothelioma (lung cancer)
Larry Benjamin, Jemison, Alabama, December 2005

On Oct. 14, I was diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma (lung cancer) caused from Asbestos in the lung. I had it in both lungs so surgery was not an option for treatment and this type of cancer doesn't respond to Chemo or Radiation treatment. I was told I was in the 4th stage and when I asked the Doctor how many stages there are he told me there are four. That's basically a death sentence for me.
After all testing was completed, CT scan, Lab work, Tissue biopsy, and a PET scan, I was told by the Oncologist that there was nothing he could do for me and he referred me back to my Medical doctor for the final care.

On Oct. 31, I started taking liquid zeolite 15 drops 3 times a day. The second day of my taking liquid zeolite I started to have different sensations in the tumor on my back that was protruding though the chest wall. Sensations like a numbness, to jelly-like when I walked, to bee stings and painful, to a stretching feeling at the tumor, each day it was a different feeling.

After two weeks on the liquid zeolite, a tumor in my upper abdomen which was about the size of a ping-pong ball was now the size of a marble. In the third week of liquid zeolite that tumor could not be found and the tumor on my back was almost gone. At the time of my appointment with the Oncologist the tumor mass on my back could not be found.

On Dec. 7, I had a follow up CT scan done, and it confirmed that the two tumors were gone. Some were smaller in the lung and one was slightly bigger.

I have increased my times I take the liquid zeolite to every 4 hours, 24 hours a day. The new tumors leave the body first, the older more established tumors go last. It is imperative that the blood circulation be increased so that the liquid zeolite can reach all the tumor cells. I am vigorously exercising more and more to accomplish this.

02. Metastasized cervical cancer
Keiko, age 72
September 2005

At the end of Oct. 2004 (11 months ago), Keiko was diagnosed in Japan with class 3 cervical cancer. At the recommendation of her doctors, she underwent 28 rounds of radiation therapy. At the end of those treatments her doctors told her they had eradicated the cancer in her cervix. Keiko's daughter, Felice, had a recommendation from her doctors here in Hawaii that Keiko should really have a PET scan in Japan to check and make sure it hadn't spread anywhere else. It had indeed metastasized to every lymph node in her body.

Felice brought her mom to Hawaii in June of this year and the oncologists here said this was an extremely aggressive form of cancer. A CAT scan showed two more spots (on her lung and on her stomach) in addition to everything else. They would try 8 rounds of chemo therapy to put off what seemed imminent - but the prognosis was grim. They didn't expect her to live even a year.

By the 5th round of chemotherapy, Keiko was so sick (nausea, vomiting, and "diarrhea) they decided to stop - that was three weeks ago. Instead they kept praying and kept using the natural supplements.

5 weeks ago a friend told Felice and her mom about liquid zeolite. Keiko took it for a week before she had to stop to accommodate the 5th round of her chemo schedule. This time she got so sick from the chemo she and her daughter decided to stop the treatment right in the middle of the round (3 weeks ago) and they continued with the liquid zeolite 15 drops 3X/day starting the next day.

Three weeks later (Monday this week), Keiko had a follow up contrast dye CAT scan: When they walked in to her doctor's office, he asked how she was feeling and what she'd been eating, and had a sort of perplexed look on his face. They didn't know what to expect, but hoped and prayed
there would be some positive news.

Keiko didn't just have a report that was good, it was beyond all expectations - the doctor told Keiko and Felice there was not one single sign of cancer anywhere in her body. Not in any of the lymph nodes, not on her lung or stomach. Stunned, Keiko's daughter even asked the Doc, "Are you sure? Who actually read the CAT scan?" and he reassured her it was definitely the expert, the radiologist, not just him! He was amazed too and said that less than 20% of his patients ever have such a thing happen, that even if there was great improvement they usually see some residual cancer still in the body but there was nothing here. Nothing. And the nurses were crying with emotion when they spoke with Felice and Keiko. As you might expect, he asked her what she was doing. Felice told him and the nurses. Keiko will have another CAT scan in three months to confirm she is truly out of the woods and meantime she will be taking her liquid zeolite every day!

03. Bladder cancer
Ron Weitz (writing about his father-in-law Carl)
September 2005

Last January (2005) my father-in-law had another surgery for bladder cancer. In this and the previous surgeries, tumors were found and treated. Since last January he has worn a catheter bag to collect his urine.

A few months ago his catheter bag began to have blood in it. He continued to pass more and more blood, accompanied by a foul odor. After testing his urine and blood, his doctor told him the cancer was back. The doctor explained that radiation treatments would likely follow the surgery, and maybe chemotherapy after that. Surgery was scheduled for Friday Sept. 2nd.

On Saturday Aug. 20th we got some liquid zeolite to him. In FOUR DAYS the bleeding STOPPED and the catheter bag remained clear of any blood.

After a week on liquid zeolite, he woke one morning and his catheter bag was full of a sticky ugly gunk, and had a terrible odor. The catheter bags and tubes could not be cleaned, and had to be discarded and replaced.

From that point on there has been NO blood or odor in his catheter bag.

Friday, September 2nd, Carl underwent surgery. His doctor was surprised to find NO Tumors in his bladder! He said he was just sure there would be tumors there. Carl has also experienced an increase in energy since taking the liquid zeolite.

04. Leukemia, pneumonia
Jim Pirtle

I had a friend in MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas with leukemia and was coughing continuously from pneumonia.

Last Thursday he started taking 15 drops three times a day of the liquid zeolite product. The first day he completely stopped coughing. The Doctor said, do not stop the drops. He left the hospital today in remission and is now an outpatient. He will continue the drops faithfully.

05. Leukemia, throat cancer, skin cancer
Susie (writing about her father)
Wichita, Kansas

My dad has Cll leukemia, Emphysema, and just recently diagnosed with Cancer in his throat. After 5 weeks of taking liquid zeolite, his leukemia counts are much better. His oncologist was quite pleased and said he would be able to by-pass chemo for at least two months because of his improved blood counts. When Dad told him that he had been taking liquid zeolite, Dr. Johnson said he was familiar with the zeolite product and recommended for him to stay on it.

The following week, Dad went to his throat doctor, and when the doctor looked in his throat with a scope, he could not believe what he saw. He said it looked so much better than when he observed it eight weeks before. Dad said his throat is no longer sore and feels much better. We believe that liquid zeolite is making a tremendous difference in Dad's health and very thankful.

My mom has started taking the product as well. She was also amazed on how the product has improved my dad's complexion as he has many skin cancer spots from overexposure to the sun as a farmer.

We so appreciate you taking the time to share liquid zeolite with us. It has been a huge difference in better quality living for my Dad and possibly his life! We will keep you updated on future improvements! Thanks again.

06. Pancreatic disease

Nikko was in the final stages of a serious pancreatic ailment. He presented to the physician the bottle I had overnighted to the Cranes and the doc said go ahead, it can't hurt as all you are taking at this point is morphine. So twelve days ago, he started on the product, he is feeling much better and the color is coming back to his dark skin. In fact, Nikko went to see his physician today and the doc can't believe what he is seeing. Nikko has no sign of a problem with the pancreas area at all. He is so excited about his news and as you can imagine for the liquid zeolite.

07. Prostate cancer
John Huber

I was told I had cancer in June 1997. The doctor told me he would take out my prostate and do radiation therapy. At that time I decided not to do this therapy.

1 changed doctors and started eating healthy foods and taking a lot of vitamins... We tried many different vitamins but none lowered my PSA and cancer.

When [I heard] about liquid zeolite I got excited. 1 bought a bottle that Wednesday night and took one dose. 1 took the product for the next four days. On Monday 1 had a fasting blood test. On Tuesday my doctor called with the results. My PSA went from 11.4 down to 4.6, my cholesterol went from 216 to 181, and my sugar went from 190 to 116. My doctor told me he has to do these results again next month to confirm them. We are very happy with liquid zeolite. Thank You.

08. Colon cancer, pain
Shirley Mulliken (writing about her daughter)

My daughter was diagnosed with colon cancer in January of 2004. After a nightmare of chemo, radiation, and a severe staph infection, she had finally arrived at a place where she was able to function but still not feeling well. Two weeks ago 1 was visiting her and noticed that she seemed to be in pain when she sat down. 1 was very concerned because 1 thought that indicated that the tumor was growing again.

One week ago today 1 took a bottle (of liquid zeolite) over to her. When 1 got over there she told me her legs were aching badly. 1 told her to take 15 drops of liquid zeolite 3 times a day. After 5 treatments her legs felt better. Five days later the pain in her legs was gone. 1 believe liquid zeolite is an answer to prayer.

09. Throat cancer, shoulder pain
Patient of Dr. Philip Hopewell
Junction, New York

Dr. Philip, a doctor from Hopewell Junction, NY, decided to try the liquid zeolite on one of his patients that currently has throat cancer. He reported this morning that the patient's pain has diminished considerably, and her energy levels are up, much to his surprise. It is too early to tell any oncology results, but he is hopeful. He also has been taking the product, and he had a prior injury to his right shoulder where he could not lift it above his head. He doesn't know how this worked, but after being on the liquid zeolite product for a short time, he is able to lift his arm over his head. He has been "pleasantly impressed" with... the results so far.

10. Melanoma, breast lumps
Mary L. Nebraska

We're water skiers. At the end of August, 1 had an aggressive form [of melanoma] on my arm. It had satellited already. It was like a mosquito bite that you scratch and it doesn't heal up. The doctor said, "I don't need to biopsy it, 1 know what it is, and it needs to be cut out." 1 had heard of the product [liquid zeolite]. 1 took it in my mouth, and put it on the spots, in 3 days the spots were in recovery, and in 10 days the stuff underneath was gone. I dropped down to a maintenance dose, 3 drops 3 times a day for about 3 1/2 weeks.

A few days later, 1 choked on some water, and patted myself on the chest, and found what we women dread. It scared me to death when that popped up. 1 showed my husband. We did an exam, and found another spot about 2 inches under the other one. 1 put the band-aids on - one on each bump.

I started taking 15 drops 3x/day. Immediately I could see the hard bumps coming to the surface, rising up like a volcano, and the skin was thinning. There was no fluid around it. It was just this really hard place. I continued putting the drops on it.

I didn't go to the doctor Monday as we had planned. I decided to give it a few more days, and see what developed. Monday night I went to bed. In the middle of the night I woke up, it was itching so bad. I scratched it through the band-aid, and... plink. It rolled off my chest and onto our wrought iron bed... tink, tink, tink.

The other one came out about 20 minutes later, and that one I held in my hand. (I never found the first one that fell on the floor).

I put more drops on both band-aids. By the next night they were completely covered over. I don't have a scar. You can't even see where they were.

My doc wasn't surprised I didn't come in. He knows I'm allergic to every drug. He said, "We call that "walling up". The band-aid had a little round circle of blood. That's it. The tumor just walled up and came out.

With a week a mass came up on my breast, the size of the end of my thumb. (We had examined my breasts right after the bumps came out, and didn't find anything.) For years I've had a hard, thick place on my breast, that didn't show up in mammograms.

It felt hard like the joint of your thumb. It got smaller and smaller. I kept a band-aid on that one with liquid zeolite on it. When I talked to my buddy, the doc, and asked what he thought, he said, "I gotta tell ya, I've never felt that your breasts were less lumpy on an exam than they are now."

The same kinds of things are happening to a lot of people. I had no detox symptoms.

Now we have to do prevention for a lifetime. Every day when I put my skin care products on, I put a drop of the liquid zeolite in the lotion, and in my sunscreen. I will keep taking a high dose of the liquid zeolite for at least 90 days after all my symptoms are gone.

11. Flakey, scabby skin, keritosis, melanoma
Idyllwild CA, USA
Sunny Downer
16 Aug 06

I have to share my personal experience with what I affectionately call the "Lava Juice". Maybe 3/4 of a year ago my friend Karuna sent out info about it, and I just thought something like, "Oh cool, another 'new age alternative health product' that sounds interesting, but..."Then thought about all the bills I had to pay before checking out something like that, & promptly forgot about it.

When I first got to Kauai, I ran into her. She saw my arms--you may remember all the psoriasis-like scabs on my arms & legs that a doctor in Palm Desert diagnosed in April of '05 as keritosis, the first stage of skin cancer & which he told me was "about to explode all over my skin."
I had been using Noni Juice previously & then herbs like Pau D' Arco from the Amazon, which I believed were helpful, but the condition wasn't decreasing. It weighed heavy on my mind, as my father had just passed on in '01 from the melanoma that metastasized throughout his system.

Having known Karuna now for a few decades, I knew she wasn't telling me that just to 'make a sale", so I said, "can you sell me some?" to which she said "of course!"

Well, what happened next had me actually jumping with excitement (you can ask my mom, because she was there witnessing this), as I felt I had been given a new lease on life from the wonderful change it immediately caused. I even had to buy one of those 'recyclable' cameras right away to get a 'before picture' because my skin was healing so fast.

I had what I thought was a black head where my neck meets my shoulder. I squeezed it. It wasn't a blackhead - it was a melanoma. I know that because it didn't come out it swelled up to be a "bump, which was leaking a yellow fluid, just like the melanoma sores that ended up killing my dad. I got really concerned.

I applied the liquid zeolite. Two weeks later it was all smooth skin.

In the Aloha Spirit of Healing.

12. Kidney papillary type II cancer
Texas Meeting

Another older man with kidney papillary type II cancer - an aggressive cancer. M. Anderson here in Houston said, "We can't do anything for that type of cancer." His lymph nodes were growing big time. They were going to give him Chemo anyhow. He is on the product 3 weeks prior to his next check up. Doctor wouldn't admit it, but his lymph nodes were down so low that they couldn't even measure their size on the computer machine. Most of the lymph nodes were HALF the size they were three weeks prior! Lymph stable. No more cancer. POWERFUL! 3 weeks on liquid zeolite and the nodes have shrunk.

They did a scan on this gentleman and in 3 weeks did it again? It assumes that there is no more cancer, according to the doctor.

13. Fibrous breast tissue, possible cancer, pain
Lana J. Ford, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, CBT
October 2005

Due to my own complicated unresolved health issues, in the early '70s, I chose to end my pursuit of health through the traditional medical approaches. Taking on the responsibility for my own health, I chose instead to explore other options - typically those concerned with the "mind-body connection. Since that time I completed a PhD in physiology, neurology and psychology - ever seeking answers to my own illusive health history. After a 20-year career as an academic professor, I changed my focus to alternative and complementary care. Since then I have completed postdoctoral studies in quantum physics and have been an instructor with several bioenergetic modalities.

Several years ago I noticed that I was having an increase in fibrous tissue of my left breast. Given my background I preferred not to have mammograms, rather [I] had assessments with energetic modalities, pulled blood work and had urine tests for heavy metals. I also had moderate to severe pain in the shaft of both femurs, the long leg bones; and suspected heavy metal accumulation. All tests were positive for earmarks of cancer - highly acidic urine, pain that does not go away, loss of appetite, the presence of heavy metals (despite having had 29 mercury filings removed 3 years ago).

Several weeks ago I heard about liquid zeolite from a colleague. I ordered the product immediately. Being aware of my own ability to handle detox, I began taking the maximum dosage of 15 drops 3 times a day. I did this on a cross-country drive from North Carolina to Arizona - a trip from October 4th to Oct 7th, which hints at poor hydration, not the most nourishing diet and a disruption of sleep patterns. After the first 36 hours I noticed I no longer had any pain in my breast, and the "lumps" were subsiding. After 48 hours I not only had no pain in my breast or my legs, but my breast returned to a soft structure with no lumps or palpable fibers.

More remarkably, by the end of the 4th day I had a sudden revelation that I no longer "had" cancer. I had no thoughts or fears that I did so. I mention this, because over the years I have taken lots of products for detox, have used herbal supplements, taken antioxidants, explored meditation, toning and other modalities associated with Eastern Medical practices. Taking liquid zeolite was the first time I had taken a product specifically targeted at a physical issue that had profound changes both mentally and emotionally. It is a pleasure to share my experience and trust others will be willing to share their stories.

14. Carol Topham
Livingston, Texas
May 2, 06

I was diagnosed with lung cancer in July of 2004. I decided a long time ago that if I ever got cancer that I would not allow them to do radiation or Chemotherapy. So the only option that I had was surgery or natural health. I opted for natural health. I took a product that seemed to be keeping the cancer the same size but was not shrinking it. Needless to say my family, after a year of this was getting quite nervous. And they were all quite insistent that I allow them to do the surgery.

It was the side effects of the surgery that I was not so sure of. I was in the hospital for nine days, was sent home with shingles on the right side as well as the neuropathy. I am left with severe neuropathy in my right arm and right chest area.

I had let a friend of mine know that if they found anything that was natural to let me know, as the Doctors were very insistent that I was going to have to have radiation and chemotherapy. Both of which I had vowed not to do.

Several months went by I was going to the Doctor and having all the tests that they seemed to need to know where they were going to do these treatments. A dear friend of mine introduced me to Zeolite. It was just about the time that a hurricane came through the area that I live in. The Hospital canceled all appointments and I left town. I took the Zeolite as soon as I got it, which was just before I left. I took 15 drops four times a day for three weeks. I had some major detoxification symptoms, which included flue like symptoms. I ran a fever and was quite ill for a couple of weeks. But I had a goal and my feeling was that the discomfort was well worth the end results.

When I went back to the Doctor, he did not say a word about the treatments that he had insisted that I take before. I asked him why and he told me that they could find no sign of Cancer. I told him what I had taken and then he said that he wanted a P.E.T. scan. This particular scan will find Cancer if there is any at all. It is a scan that they do of my entire body. I told him that I would do that, but that he would not find Cancer.

My Doctors knew that I wanted to find a natural way of taking care of the Cancer problem, but had been skeptical to say it nicely.

When I went back for the results of that test there was no sign of Cancer. I have scans and x-rays every three months so that the doctors feel better about the fact that I no longer have cancer. I found out after the surgery that I still had cancer in my chest wall and that is why they were so insistent about my doing the chemotherapy and radiation. It has been a year since my surgery and two years since the diagnosis and I am Cancer free. The only thing I did was take Zeolite.
God Bless You All. And to my friends thank you from the bottom of my heart!

15. Keiko Wagner, age 72
October 2005

At the end of Oct.2004, 12 months ago, I was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer. At the recommendation of my doctors, I underwent 28 rounds of radiation and chemotherapy. At the end of the treatments, I was told that they had eradicated the cancer in my cervix. In May of 2005, after a check up, the doctors found that the cancer had metastases. I had a PET scan and my daughter had suggested that I go to Hawaii and get treatment there.

In June of 2005, I met with an Oncologist in Hawaii and was told that 1 had about 1 year to live since the PET scan showed the cancer was in every lymph node as well as a spot on my lung and stomach. I got another opinion and was also told the same prognosis. I had 5 out of 8 rounds of chemo, which made me so sick so I decided that I would not be able to continue with the chemo.

During my fifth chemo, my daughter's friend told her about liquid zeolite. I took it for 3 1/2 weeks, 15 drops 3 times a day.

I had a cat scan shortly after. My doctor walked into the office, he asked me how I was feeling and what had I been taking, and had a perplexed look on his face. I didn't know what to expect, but 1 was hoping for some positive news. The doctor told me that there was NO CANCER in my body, I was clear! Not in my Lymph nodes, nor in my lung or my stomach. I asked who read the scan, and he reassured me it was the radiologist, not just him. He seemed amazed since less than 20% of his patients ever have a total clear reading, especially rare in such as aggressive case.

1 feel like the liquid zeolite has helped my immune system to fight off the cancer and I will continue to take the drops. My doctor will have me do another CAT scan in 3 months and God willing, it will be clear! I thank God Thank you for sending this amazing supplement my way just in the nick of time!

16. Breast cancer
Sonja Stockstill

"I was diagnosed with breast cancer over 5 years ago and I chose to NOT have surgery, chemo or radiation at that time even though the surgeon felt that if I did not do as she said that in 3 months it would be too late. Well the original tumor on the right side became very hard, but stopped growing after 18 mos. A year later it spread to the left breast, even with all the great stuff I was taking, doing and eating, (over the last 6 years I've mostly been a vegetarian/vegan/raw food person). I was slowly getting worse and worse. Also I am one of those people without health insurance, so I put what money I had into food and supplements.

In January of this year I finally had to give in and do some chemo as a last resort because it had spread to my liver, ovaries and bones, even though I was so against it. I was able to get some low dose chemo treatments and after 8 months it did stop the progression a bit but my red and white blood cell counts were so low I had no energy or desire to continue. August 15th was my last chemo treatment and the CT Scan and Bone Scan on Aug. 31st. showed little improvement and the tumor marker blood test was still high. I needed a break.

In September my friend, Mary Hoyer, found liquid activated zeolite and I started on it the last week in Sept. I had a blood test the end of Oct. and my red and white cell counts were back to normal and the tumor marker was down to 24 from a high of 147. Normal is between 0 - 38 on that test. Yesterday I had a visit with my Dr. and the old original tumor in the right breast is almost all gone. The left side may take more time to totally heal, but my energy is back and every day in every way I feel better and better. Yours enthusiastically.

17. Chemotherapy side-effect mitigation
Rhoda C.

"I have been taking weekly chemotherapy treatments for the past eight months. After every treatment I would take Neupogen subcutaneously' for three days in order for my counts to be back to normal for the next treatment. So, after feeling nauseated and weak on Wed., and Thurs., it was time for the injections on Friday and Sat. and Sunday. So, basically I felt like (for lack of a better word) crap five days out of seven.

A friend told me of Dr. Murphy and I saw him on 11/18 and started liquid activated zeolite that evening. He instructed me not to take the Neupogen along with the zeolite, as there would be no need. And WOW I can't believe the difference it made.

Normally after taking chemo on Wednesday, I would rarely leave my home until the next Monday, because I felt so fatigued and weak. Remember I started the zeolite on Friday. That Sat. I went Christmas shopping. Sunday to church. Monday out to eat with my sister in law. Tuesday an overnight shopping trip. And on Wed. before chemo my oncologist said my lab results "hadn't looked this good in a long time."

I attribute this all to the drops as nothing else has changed. Oh, I forgot to mention that the medicine I take for nausea after treatment has literally been cut down to a fourth of what I previously took. I think it is from the zeolite too. I only wish I would have known about this sooner.

I'm getting back to my previous workout schedule, which was non-existent until I started the liquid activated zeolite. I walk on my treadmill two times a day for 30minute sessions and I have resumed working out with weights, which I had not been able to do since starting chemo. I started on the zeolite 11/18 and took my last chemo on 11/30. I hope this gives someone encouragement in a positive direction if they are considering taking liquid activated zeolite."

18. Leukemia, skin cancer, general
Anne Roberts

I am a Health Consultant and Medical Intuitive. I have been in the alternative healing work for 30 years. Diet, Herbs, Fasting, Homeopathy, Radionics and Frequency Formulas. While searching for more ways to help a dear friend of mine who has Leukemia and now skin cancer, we were given liquid activated zeolite by some wonderful people. My friend has been using it for three weeks. The sores on her face are shrinking and drying up, her mental clarity is growing in leaps and bounds, her stamina has doubled and her positive mental attitude and desire to live has increased. We have tried many things and many things work to some degree, but nothing has made such a difference so fast.

I too am taking the zeolite and I have noticed increased mental clarity, relief of joint stiffness, improvement in the bowels, detoxing from the teeth and gums (many mercury fillings in the past) and more energy. I noticed the positive energy from the zeolite in the first hour of taking it. I have been praying for a way to help relieve people's suffering, a way that was strong & quick enough to make a real difference. If liquid activated zeolite did nothing 'but remove Heavy Metals for the system I would consider it a God send. Most people do not realize the degree to which the presence of heavy metals affects them and that almost everyone has heavy metals in their body interfering with its function. From industrial pollution, to car fumes to ChemTrails, we are exposed to heavy metals daily.

I consider liquid activated zeolite to be a great blessing to humanity and a way to help not only my friend and myself, but anyone who will use it. There is no one I know who would not benefit from taking the zeolite. I suggest to everyone that they give it a try for 30 days and see the difference for themselves."

For more information or to place an order,
please contact

Dianna Coulombe
Healthy Solutions



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